Monday, September 11, 2006

They Call Me Bruce? (1982 version)

hi there

i am delighted to report that i have got my hands on this classic of cinema. classic? well, maybe not, but it was quite a nostalgia weekend for me, since i purchased this and no less than four 80's cd compilations.

i have several fond memories of watching The Call Me Bruce when we were all kids, and my brother is most excited about the fact that he will soon be able to watch it again. Mr Michael Llewellyn, if you wish to see it, please send on your postal address and then sit back and wait in anticipation.

what 80's classic is next for my collection? no idea. i don't have the Cannonball Run films..............

be excellent to each other!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the offer fella, seeing as l will be back in Joburg during November l think l will last it out for a personal viewing at Chez Ricketts. This being under the provisor that you can supply copius amounts of vermouth (red or white, not fussy) and some ace 80's sweets, such as traffic light lollies, wham bars, mojo's or spanish gold (not spanish fly!). Failing that ship in something in batter from the Avvy chippy and l will be there. PS l keep getting bounced by your e-mail, has it changed?