Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

well, most of the people i know are very excited about the idea of a movie version of The Simpsons. i tend to reserve judgement - i wasn't expecting all that much from either Beavis and Butthead or South Park when they got their big screen gigs, yet both films turned out OK.

anyway, here are some images from the film. i think these more or less all feature in the trailer for it.

not exactly a new Simpsons image, i have lost count of the times Homer has been attached to a demolition ball. or i have seen the same episode again and again.

Homer has not been overly aggressive to Bart since the first few series of the show. note the word "overly" - the first series was borderline homicidal! oh well, it looks like that kind of relationship returns here!

so, who is the Quasimodo or Elephant Man type figure they are seeking with the lit torches?

nothing too inspiring there, but then again these images just look like stills that could be from the TV show. i suspect it will all make sense and be better as and when the film is released - July 2007, i believe.

i trust that my regular readers liked the pics, and if you have visited my site after searching for "Simpsons Movie", enjoy!!

be excellent to each other!!!!!

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