Wednesday, June 11, 2008

build it, Grandad!

hey everyone

well, after a tour of the Alamo and other sites in America, Dad is now back home. James was particularly delighted by this, although when we told him that he had gone in an aeroplane, James remained adamant that Grandad was in an aeroplane all the time until such time as he saw him again!

and see him he did this weekend, with a class gift in town. Grandad combined James' love of building things and aero-based means of travel rather nicely with a very class Lego helicopter set.

for some reason, however, Grandad thought that he was not going to build it with James. those thoughts were soon dispensed with, and the inevitable but fun happened next!

Grandma was called on to help, as indeed was Mummy at one stage! it looks like a rather complex helicopter to put together, or at the least those who were involved in building it made it seem so!

the finished article is rather impressive, but also rather loaded with small, edibile and easy to lose parts. much to James' frustration, then, it sits upon a reasonably high shelf!!!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!

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