when Mum & Dad were getting ready to head over to the UK, they asked if there was anything they could bring back with them. i in jest suggested they bring back one of England's finest periodicals, the Sunday Sport newspaper. imagine my surprise when they did indeed proudly hand over a recent edition of this, and i use the word with some hesitation, newspaper.

below is the article, and i must stress a big *** WARNING *** here, as the text is far from suitable for all to read.....

now, as excited as my mate Spiros will have been about the above, i must confess i have done some research into this tale. i can find no evidence of a Mr Al Lomax having his own site as indicated above; indeed the only Al Lomax i could find looks rather ethnically different and certainly doesn't strike me as the sort of chap that would impose himself on other in any way, let alone the manner told above. as for the 'journalist', Mr James Crisp, the only record i can find of him is in relation to some story or other that greatly upset the fine people of Whitby.
i can't really suggest that i hope you have enjoyed this post; if you have been amused by it, so much the better.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!