Thursday, January 06, 2011

watching the wildlife

hey everyone

well, after a month or so of updates pertaining to "just" an astonishing Ashes series and how we've got on over the festive season, how about something of a change of pace?

a rather good friend and wonderful colleague of mine at verk, Anthea, has taken a keen interest in the noble (and handy to show off on the interwebnet) hobby of photography. she is, if i am any sort of judge of this kind of thing, rather good at it too, as this picture of a jackal hopefully helps to show off.

now, i have been wildly enthusiastic of Anthea's hobby and have strived to encourage her. to this end, i have made several suggestions in regards of possible photographic subjects, mostly involving nuns. and bananas. for the most part Anthea is rather diplomatic in opting to not use my suggestions, and it has to be said that what she snaps instead is probably more suitable for a wider audience. like this one, for instance, of some hippopotamuses either playing or possibly fighting.

and indeed this one of a giraffe possibly stalking the photographer!

i am led to believe that Anthea's other half, Keith, might have taken one or both of the next pictures. i'm just waiting for Anthea to stop babbling about vacuum cleaners and get back to me on the correct, clarified credit. in the mean time, then, enjoy the pictures!

quite impressive, i think and i hope you find!!

and nope, no confirmation of who took what whilst i went off, self-sacrificingly, to rid the world of another Marlboro. i think, if it matters, Keith is certainly responsible for the pic below!

well, if i have behaved myself enough with comments in this post Anthea has intimated that she will kindly allow me to share some more here in the not too distant future. there are some absolute crackers of pictures that i have seen, but as they are in some sort of competition i cannot put them up here at this stage.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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