Sunday, October 13, 2013

Best Of Frankie Goes To Hollywood 2 CD tracklist and running times....

hi there

yes, that's right, a third post in about three weeks on the subject of this unusual Frankie 2 CD set that comes with a poster.this one, however, is more aimed at certain people i know that are experts in identifying which of the many mixes of certain Frankie songs are which just by looking at the running length of the track.

as you can see below, the CD case/cover/box thing does not give running lengths, so i have had to use our old friend the PrtScn button and that most ace of things, MS Paint.

yeah the above is somewhat blurry, but that does not matter.

here's how CD 1 comes up in that music player thing that comes with Windows and that. i am not sure where it fetches the CD info from, but it does.

i quite like how the computer considers Frankie to be an R & B band.

the above is probably too small to read the running length off, so here's one of them close up, zoom type of things.

want the same for CD 2? sure, why not.

Frankie very much remain an R & B band according to the above.

and here's the close up, but there's not a lot of debate about which mixes these are. in particular track 3.

hope that this has helped some!

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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