Saturday, March 07, 2015

Spiros and the big black cock adventure

hello there

Spiros fans and enthusiasts will no doubt be delighted to learn that he has forwarded an update. quite an exciting one, look you see, as i am sure you have guessed from the title.

there is little in this world that gives Spiros as much pleasure as seeing a great big black cock. little except being able to grab it and snuggle up to it, i suppose. here he is, very much in action in that respect.

Spiros, as you can imagine, gets quite secretive and protective when he finds a big black cock like this; preferring for the most part to keep it all to himself. i can only assume that he met this one promoting Nando's or some other such chicken place.

the last i heard of Spiros was that he was off for a few pints of cider, then was going to see his new best mates that follow Spurs or Chelsea or someone, and then was going to go back and get to know this big black cock "better". and "better" would be my words, believe me not quite what he said.

what, you want a picture of the second best Gibb brother and Barbs discussing tea? i am sure i have already posted this, but OK, here you go.

some 10 - 12 hours later and no, i have not heard any more from Spiros. presumably he is either busy "making friends" with that big black cock, or he is presently telling the constabulary all about it, with a strong emphasis on what a terrible misunderstanding it has all been.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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